Vision, Beliefs, & Values


Our vision is to genuinely love our community and nurture new life in Christ.


Our beliefs align with the Missionary Church of the United States of America (MCUSA). You can view the articles of faith by going to


Relationship Instead of Religion 

We believe that we’re invited into a personal relationship with God through his Son Jesus. Therefore, we are to commune with him daily through the Holy Spirit. John 3:16 states that God the Father sent his son Jesus for us so we could have eternal life. Jesus defines eternal life in John 17:3 as to “know God.” Religion tells us to read the Bible every day. Relationship tells us to read the Bible with the Holy Spirit every day. We believe the Bible is not merely a historical account nor merely a book of theology, but it is living and breathing and is the only book that requires the author to be present. Religion teaches us to change our behavior for God. Relationship teaches us to abide with God and allow him to change us. While rituals and religious practices can enhance a relationship with God, they should not replace it.

Missionary Instead of Monastery

We believe that God has not called us to just be attenders and consumers. In other words, God has not called us to “do church” on Sunday morning but rather “be the church” by being the hands and feet of Christ every day. Therefore, it is more important to us that someone is a “missionary” rather than a “member”. In Acts 1:8, Jesus states that we will receive the power of the Spirit and be his witnesses in Jerusalem (our neighborhood), Judea and Samaria (our country), and to the ends of the earth. We are to take the identity as a missionary everywhere we go and be ready to engage the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Supernatural Instead of Superficial 

We believe that when we put our faith in Jesus Christ we are given the precious gift of the Holy Spirit who fills us as we have intimate time with Him. The Holy Spirit purifies us by making us holy and expresses himself with supernatural power. On the other hand, superficial Christianity has two extremes. One side counterfeits miracles, fakes an experience with the Spirit, and gaslights hardships and struggles. The other side passively ignores, denies, or diminishes the powerful work of the Holy Spirit to do miracles, healings, and demonic deliverances; And give gifts, joy, and freedom. When the Holy Spirit fills a believer, God makes the impossible possible. We believe the supernatural spiritual gifts are still active today, and expect to see his power manifest in the normal everyday follower of Jesus—in the home, workplace, and gathered church. 

Encounter Instead of Entertainment

We believe that church gathering is a place for people to collectively encounter the Spirit of God and fellowship with one another. Our goal is not to get as many people into the door as possible and entertain them, nor are we trying to create a space for consumption. Our hope is that people would come on a Sunday morning to give God our full attention and worship, be inspired, convicted, and refilled as they enter the week – to encounter the living God. We strive to have pure hearts as we gather as a house of prayer so that it doesn’t end up becoming something it never was intended to be (Matthew 21:13). This value influences the way we spend our resources, practice our gatherings, and plan our ministries. 

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