
Events for All Adults

Tailgating Sundays

Our next Tailgating Sunday is September 8 starting at 9 AM!
We hope you join us for this fun time of fellowship, food, and
games to kick off our service! If the weather is good, we will be
outside, so make sure to bring a lawn chair. If you are able, bring
a tent, grill, and whatever you want for breakfast for yourself or to
share. We will have extra food and an extra grill available for
anyone unable to bring their own. We will not be serving Coffee
Connection, but instead, we will have Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee
Truck joining us!

Starting with our Tailgating Sunday and continuing through our morning service, we will be having a focus on missions to celebrate what God is doing through our missionaries around the world. Also, if you own any clothing from another country or representing another culture, we encourage you to wear it this Sunday to show support and appreciation for alternative cultural expressions.

Monthly Board Game Nights

This meets on the 3rd Friday of every month in the Big Kids Room.

This is for any and all adults! Come join us from 5:30 to 10 PM in the Big Kids Room for some snacks and board games. Stay the whole time or just for a few hours. Bring a snack and drink to share and any board games you would like to play. For more information, join the Facebook group “Board Game Nights at First Missionary Church“, or contact Anne Harrigan.

Weekly Euchre Club

This meets every Wednesday in the Heritage Room.

FirstMC hosts a Euchre Club weekly on Wednesdays from 12:30 to 3 PM. If you know how to play, we would love for you to join us in this weekly tournament to welcome these newcomers to our church and show them we can have fun too! This group is open to any adults who want to join, no matter your age! If you have questions, please talk to Kevin Taylor.

WOMen's Ministry

Mug & Muffin

This meets on the 1st Saturday of every other month (on the off months for IF:TABLE).

Our next Mug & Muffin in Saturday, September 7 from 9 to 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

Mug & Muffin is women of all ages gathering for breakfast and to hear a speaker share her story.

There is no sign up needed for Mug & Muffin. We’ll see you there!


This meets on the 1st Saturday and Monday of every other month (on the off months for Mug & Muffin).

IF:TABLE is a gathering of women over a meal to start building the relationships that God wants us to have.
IF:TABLE will return in the fall.  

IF your dream day might include escaping your home for a couple hours of blissful eating, meaningful adult conversation and connecting with women of faith. . .
IF you are a morning, “before it falls apart” person OR . . .
IF an evening “recovery” is to your liking . . .
IF:TABLE is for you!

Many of you have asked the question, “Where does the name, IF:TABLE come from? The name was inspired by the question, “If God is real…then what?”
For those who have never tried IF:TABLE but have thought about it, now is your chance! We would love to have you join us!

“If:Table means new and deeper connections”

“If:Table is the opportunity to get to know other ladies beyond, “hello, how are you;” sharing times that consist of light heartedness as well as an awareness of sensitive hearts around the table. It enables others to safely share out of the depths of their hearts, which brings about  a greater sense of caring and bonding with one another.”

Hostesses are waiting to open their doors to you!

Ladies' Retreat

Ladies, join us on October 18 and 19 for the return of our Ladies’ Retreat at The Retreat Center on the Summit Campus. Our
theme for the retreat is Connection. There will be food, games, small
group sessions, and great opportunities to grow in your walk with Christ while getting to know other women at FirstMC.

The Overnight package is $80 and includes 3 meals and retreat fee. If you would just like to attend the retreat only, the cost is $10. You can also stay for meals at a cost of $15/each.

Deadline to register is Sunday, September 15.

Men's Ministry

Men's Group

Men, join us for this weekly gathering for you to be refilled and start the week off well! These are Monday mornings from 6:15 to 7 AM. Come in the main entrance and meet us in the Heritage Room. You are welcome to drop in as you are able for this time of prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other men. If you have questions, please let Pastor Jordan know.

Seniors' Ministry

Senior Fellowship

Senior Fellowship meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

Join us on Thursday, September 12 at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall to hear from Leah Schwartz.

The price remains the same, $12.00.
The sign-up sheet will be in its usual place, in the hallway outside of the Fellowship Hall.

Please sign up by Sunday, September 8.